Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dear My Fellow Collegian...

Kemarin gue pas nonton berita, ngelihat ada salah satu berita mengenai Demonstrasi Anti Korupsi yang dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa (as always). Demonstrasi itu dilakukan dengan memakan tikus hidup-hidup. Pas nonton berita itu, gue agak nggak percaya sama caption beritanya sebenernya. Pertamanya gue pikir beritanya salah, mungkin yang demo itu grup debus dan bukan sekumpulan mahasiswa. Soalnya tindakan dari temen-temen gue sesama mahasiswa itu lebih miripnya grup debus atau malah orang barbar daripada kaum terpelajar, yaitu mahasiswa. 

Menurut gue (menurut gue loh ya bukan menurut KBBI atau pakar sosiologi antropologi dan sebagainya), mahasiswa itu harusnya orang yang pikirannya tuh kritis. Dan kritis itu nggak cuma bisa mengemukakan kritik kosong belaka, namun tidak bisa mengemukakan solusi dari permasalahan yang dikritisinya. Iya dong, kalo lo mengkritisi sesuatu berarti lo menganggap hal itu tuh seharusnya nggak begitu. Dan dengan begitu, lo pasti punya pemikiran dong gimana hal itu seharusnya, dan pemikiran lo gimana seharusnya hal yang salah tadi dilakukan namanya solusi (menurut gue loh ya) 

Gue jujur nggak bisa menemukan bagian "solusi" mengatasi korupsi dengan makan tikus hidup-hidup. Gue nggak ngerti kematian dari tikus itu akan memberikan sumbangsih apa untuk pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia? Apa koruptoprnya akan berhenti korupsi? Koruptornya jadi takut korupsi gitu karena lo bisa makan tikus hidup-hidup? Nggak kan! Adanya tikusnya kasihan, nggak ada salah dan dosa apa-apa tapi lo makan hidup-hidup! Not to mention kalo tikusnya penyakitan dan tau-taunya lo mati karena itu. Udah tikusnya dan lo mati, tujuan lo nggak tercapai lagi. Koruptornya masih tetep aja korupsi terus. Jadinya lo dan tikus itu matinya sia-sia. RIP. 

Gue nggak pernah ikut demontrasi, dan sebenernya agak nggak tertarik untuk ikut demonstrasi. Bukan karena gue cewek manja yang nggak kuat panas-panasan demi mengubah Indonesia menjadi lebih baik, bukan. Tapi menurut gue ya, demontrasi-demontasi yang sering dilakukan itu kurang efektif dan nggak membuahkan hasil apa-apa (mungkin ada juga sih yang efektif, kurang tau gue juga). Gue ngerti kalo demontrasi emang salah satu cara untuk menyampaikan aspirasi dalam negara yang demokratis. Tapi, melihat demonstrasi-demontrasi yang teman-teman mahasiswa gue lakukan itu, rasanya demonstrasi itu nggak ngerubah apa-apa. Apalagi demontrasinya dengan ngebakar ban dan dorong-dorongan dan bahkan makan tikus hidup-hidup. 

Hal yang menurut gue membuat demonstrasi yang sering dilakukan kurang efektif adalah ketiadaan "solusi" kayak yang tadi gue mention. Kita itu mahasiswa, harusnya pola pikir kita itu lebih solutif. Seharusnya kita nggak cuma bisa memberi tuntutan doang, tapi juga mampu memaparkan pemikiran kita bagaimana cara supaya tuntutan itu dapat terpenuhi. Selama ini kita menuntut "berantas korupsi!!" Tapi kita nggak pernah comes up with an idea how to fight corruption in our beloved country. Daripada kita aksi debus ato bikin orang sesak napas karena asap ban, mending kita paparkan ide-ide kreatif kita mengenai gimana sih menurut kita, mahasiswa, kaum terpelajar, cara penanggulangan korupsi yang efektif? Apakah dengan shaming kek, kayak yang ketangkap korupsi itu sekeluarganya ditato "KORUPTOR" atau "KELUARGA KORUPTOR" (namanya juga shaming, kalo dia nggak mau keluarganya dipermalukan seharusnya dia nggak korupsi dong). Terus besar kecilnya tatonya itu ditentukan dari sebanyak apa dia korupsi. Makin besar, makin gede tatonya. Dan tatonya harus di tempat yang visible. Jidatnya mungkin. 

Atau kalau kita mau demo kenaikan harga BBM, daripada kita buang-buang minyak tanah ngebakar foto presiden yang selain bikin abis tinta dan bikin abis duit beli minyak tanah, kenapa kita nggak ngusulin kayak energi-energi alternatif apa yang bisa kita gunakan. Atau apa kek. 

Gue pengen bilang, pemerintah pasti bakalan dengerin kita kok kalau kita menyampaikan aspirasi kita dengan baik-baik dan dengan ide-ide kreatif kita. Tapi sayangnya gue nggak senaif itu. Haha. Bagi gue tuh pemerintah kadang-kadang suka budeg. Tapi inget, kalo lo ngomong sama orang budeg, nggak peduli sekuat apapun lo teriak sampe urat leher lo putus, ya namanya budeg pasti nggak bisa dengar. Nah yang harus lo lakuin adalah cari cara lain agar lo bisa narik perhatian itu orang. Bikin tulisan gede-gede yang eye catchy, yang kreatif misalnya (ini perumpamaan loh ya, jangan lo muncul demonstrasi pake kertas warna -warnintrus tulisannya gliter2). Intinya jangan pake urat, tapi pakai otak.  

Dear my fellow collegians, kita itu adalah mahasiswa. Dan menurut gue itu udah prestige sendiri loh untuk menyandang gelar mahasiswa ini aja. Karena nggak semua orang mampu menjadi seorang mahasiswa kayak kita. Dan kalian inget ngga kalo misalnya orang tanya kita sekolah atau kerja dan kalo kita menjawab kuliah, orang-orang biasanya akan menganggap kita kayak gimana yah.. Kasarnya agak terangkat lah derajat kita. Orang-orang, siapapun mereka pasti kalau dengar mahasiswa itu pikirannya langsung ke orang-orang yang terpelajar. Yang punya kemampuan problem solving, yang punya manners, dan sebagainya. No pressure ya guys, but we  are. We are as lucky as that. So please guys, yuk kita jaga nama baik kita sebagai "mahasiswa". Kalau kita mau demonstrasi, tunjukan cara demonstrasi oleh seorang mahasiswa, yang beneran kritis dan solutif, bukannya barbar. And let's behave 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Yep, I'll Move on alright!

I actually really feel envy to those people who manage to become a good friend with their ex. Because obviously, that thing did not work well with me. I don't know if this is because I still can't move on yet, or exes are just never meant to be friend with each other (I really don't know how those people do it though). I'm just not ready to hear about some other new girl to enter your life. You shouldn't have told me that. 

I know I told you many times that I have moved on.. But... Yeah, I lied. Well, technically, I don't, because I'm pretty sure that I'm over it too (like you did) and that we can be cool, be a friend. Untill you told me that today. 

The moment you told me you met that girl, which is not special (yet) to you and you kissed her and, well, almost slept with her (though you are eventually snapped and back to the real life), it hit me harder than when I got hit by motorcycle yesterday. This bruises on my stomach and this wounds on my knees is nothing compare to it. I'd rather got hit by that motorcycle again for a hundred times than hearing you told me about that meet up and that. Once again, it's my fault, I've told you I've moved on. 

I've went on so many dates, so why can't you? Well... It's because the reason we broke up. You don't broke up with one bitch just to hook up with another bitch right? Well, actually you can, if you're a douche enough, which i believe you are not. I am not angry that you met her and almost sleep with her, who am I to be angry? I'm just scared.. That you and her end up like us, falling in love, because that's how the first time we met went, and that's how i believe we fell in love. I'm jealous. I am. 

Today, I regret the day I agree that we can stay friend after we break up. Because obviously, it's not a smart move. And it does not ease the pain at all. It makes it worse!!! Much worse!!! 

Thus, from now, I've decided to move on. To continue living my life without you. Without you AT ALL! I've deleted your number and block your facebook and eliminate everything that will make me "crave of you". I hope there's no way we can contact each other ever again, eventhough maybe one of us is dying and want to apologize or something, well let's just tell our God about it. 

Dear My former future husband, this love right here is like a fire you'll try to set off. But the spark is still there. Just need some trigger and it can go big again. Therefore, If we ever crossed path again, if we ever meet again, please do not greet me. Do not call my name. Because eventhough we were part of each others life, we've been on each other's book of life, you are part of my past. And you are the part of the past that I wish To forgot. 

Last but not least, if u ever read this, know that your name is still in my every prayer (at least untill today, I can't keep praying for you if I want to try to forgot you, right. But well.. God knows). I always hope you the best and hope you live well and always be happy. Hope tou habe a wonderful future ahead without me (I'm pretty certain you will - that's why you dumped me though). And be happy with your #1.


The girl who once and 'till right now always love you, and might (not) love you forever. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Ganti Baju!!!

Hello there :):):):):):):):):):) 

If you guys noticed, nama blog gue udah beda dari nama yang kemaren. 
Jadi ceritanya blog gue ganti baju. 
Iya kan ganti baju, kan cuma "tampilannya" (well, sebenernya tampilannya stay, namanya doang yang ganti, ya I mean luarannya aja lah haha) dan content nya tetep sama dong. Eh, ini gue ganti nama blog bukan buat buang sial kayak seorang artis ya. Just saying, in case you're wondering.

Kenapa namanya jadi Catatan Cerebrum??
Well, supaya cool doang sih. Haha, nggak ding. Kalian pada tau kan kalo gue nggak mungkin memberi nama sesuatu tanpa arti sama sekali. Okay, jadi agak bosan sebenernya sama nama yang sebelumnya. Soalnya biasa banget gitu dan kayaknya eh banget gitu. Terus mikir-mikir nama apa ya yang bagus dan keren geto. Trus tiba-tiba pas lagi jalan menuruni bukit (kan kosannya jalanannya nanjak coy) untuk mengirimkan paket, tiba-tiba kepikiran Catatan Kaki. Kayaknya keren juga ya kalo namanya kayak begitu. Agak similar sih sebenernya sama yang sebelumnya, journal-journal gitu. Tapi ya itu sebenernya esensi dari blog ini yang merupakan catatan gue gitu, kayak e-diary gitu lah (walaupun jarang di update, maafkan aku ToT ). 

Setelah gue berpikir-pikir catatan kaki, nanti gue disangkain bahasannya mengenai bahasa-bahasa Indonesia gitu ato mengenai penelitian gitu. Terus kayaknya biasa banget catatan kaki, kayaknya nggak ada maknanya gitu, ya kecuali kalo gue nge quote-quote pendapat orang lain, kan masih ada masuk-masuknya tuh sama catatan kaki. Haha. Terus gue mikir, catatan apa ya yang bagus. Catatan tangan, ah biasa. Catatan si Doel?? Yakali, emang aye anak betawi asli?!. Catatan Si Boy? So 90's! (apa 80's? Gatau.. jaman-jaman segitu lah ya). Akhirnya sampai pada suatu titik gue kepikiran, gimana kalo catatan otak? Tapi namanya agak rancu. Nah, setelah gue melakukan sejumlah research tentang otak, akhirnya gue memantapkan pilihan gue dengan me-rename blog ini menjadi "CATATAN CEREBRUM". Thus, Catatan Cerebrum is born (sori, ga ada syukuran!) 

Nah, kenapa namanya jadi cerebrum? Karena, as I stated before, I do some research about our magnificent brain. Karena gue juga mau supaya nama ini berarti something, gue pengen ngasih nama blog ini sesuai dengan bagian otak yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kreatifitas (since I think writing a blog like this needs creativity. Nah, sebenernya begian otak yang bertanggung jaab terhadap kreatifikat adalah otak kanan. Tapi masa nama blog gue jadi Catatan Otak Kanan sih? Lucu sih, cuma agak kurang cool gimana gitu. Haha. Later, I find out bahwa otak kanan dan otak kiri itu terdapat dalam otak besar atau Cerebrum yang mengandung hemispheres (entahlah apa itu dalam bahasa Indoensia) yang dimana hemispheres kanan ini yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kreatifitas, dan berbagai fungsi lainnya of course. Jadi, jadilah Catatan Cerebrum, catatan hasil kreatifitas dari otak gue. Haha 

Some people might think this blog has something to do with medical studies perhaps because of.. you know... cerebrum... But well, siapa tau blog ini jadi terkenal karenanya. AMIN. Haha


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Curahan Hati (whining lousy broken heart story alert!)

So, I just become a single girl (again) recently. My boyfriend broke up with me couple weeks ago. Beside that I'm being a real jerk and b*tch (I cheated on him and lie to him many times), one of the reason he broke up with me is because he's going to propose to his girlfriend, his real girlfriend, anytime soon. And believe me, he's not the bad guy in this story. And as you may conclude, yes... I was the 2nd girlfriend. 

Actually I've been in this situation twice. Couple years ago, there's this one boyfriend of mine that broke up with me because he's going to marry his first girlfriend. It hurts me so bad, it broke me. But then thank God I finally realized that he's just a douche. After a second chance to know him, I finally realized that he might not love me this all along. Well, he's not going to be the center of this story though. 

As you guys may assume, yes I'm that stupid. Because I am aware of falling into the same hole over again. Before we're dating, I already know that he already has a girlfriend and they've dating for quite a long time. But as I mentioned above, I just be the b*tch and date him anyway. 
When I date him, in my deepest heart I really hope that he would somehow broke up with his girlfriend so I could be the only one. And we can have our happily ever after fairy tale story. But in the other hand, deep down inside I know that it is impossible. I mean.. who am I? But well.. I know my place.. I don't want to ask him to choose, I know he would not choose me.No matter how much he loves me, as he may say. 

They say when you are in love, you will do some silly stupid thing for the people you love. Or just to be with the people you love. So, maybe this could justified my action? I love him so much that I don't even care whether I'm gonna be the first or the second or the third or whatever. As long as I can spend times with him, I'm happy. As long as I know that he also loves me, even though we could never be together forever, I'm happy. As long as he is happy, I'm happy. 

As much as I want him to be mine, to be only mine, I always pray to God to give him what's best for him, to give me what's best for me. Well then... I guess this isn't the best for either one of us. As people said to comfort me after the break up, God have plans for you. God have a greater plan for you. Don't you worry, there's gotta be a better guy for you outside. Yeah.. somewhere in this universe. 

The time when he broke up with me, I was really devastated. I was really broken. I was really hurt. I never get hit by a big truck before, but I know that this hurts much worse. At least if u got hit by a big truck, there's a big chance that you'd die right away right. So, it won't be painful. And it hurts even worse when he told me that he's going to propose his girl real soon. Actually, near the time of my birthday, when I was actually expected to spend time with my love one. But well... I still wish him the best anyway. I'd pray for his plan to go well, and he can be happy with his future wife. At least I know that he would be in a good hand. At least I know that he will be with a good girl. With a girl that he loves, and loves him back. With a girl that makes him happy. Most importantly, she's not a jerk like me. Sometimes, when you gotta let go of something you really love, it's just bring a little relieve if you know that they'll be in good hands. That they'll be well taking care of. That that's actually better for them. Although deep down inside, I still pray for a little hope so that he'd be mine, I just know that it's impossible. I'd still pray for him though. For the best for him. I always pray for all the people I love, and I still really love him. 

I don't know will love ever fade away? I actually don't believe if love can fade away. I mean, if you really love that person, the love will still always there, still linger. I will still always love him, he will always still have a part of my heart (of maybe all of it, I don't know). And he knows it, he knows it really well. I will actually move on, someday, at some point. Just not now. Well... I always tell myself that I might not get marry to someone that I love or love that much. And now, I know who'll always have my heart. Who's the one that got away :) 

To the man of my life, to the one that got away, if you are reading this, know that you'll always be the one :) I love you so much. I always will. But you don't need to worry about me. Go ahead and chase your happy future, your bright future with your future wife. I'll always be here for you whenever you need me. I'll always be here for you until you decided that you don't need me anymore. I'll be happy, don't worry. I'm always happy when you are happy. It hurts, it is really hurts now. But just like a fresh wound, it will eventually heal and I'll be okay. Eventually :):):) 
And I'm so sorry for making you sad, and hurts, and broke your heart. Terribly sorry.

I miss you so bad,
Though we've only been together for a short 6 months, but that was the happiest 6 months of my life. And I thank you for that

The Girl that you once (or maybe still) love 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

(RESEP) Fillet Ayam Goreng Tepung Ebi Crunch

Ceritanya mau nyoba-nyoba nulis resep nih dari hasil eksperimen masak kemaren. Abis banyak yang ngiler sih katanya "looks yummy"... Well people, it's not only looks yummy. It taste yummy as well! Gampang kok bikinnya. Jadi buat teteh teteh, ibu muda, ato para bujangan yang mau nyoba silahkan. But first of all, gue belom pernah nulis resep apapun (yang dipublish). Seringnya kalo misalnya gue 'menciptakan' sebuah resep baru, I'll write it down, tapi nulisnya ya nggak sistematis kayak nulis resep gitu. Asal gue ngerti dan supaya inget aja. Tapi seringnya udah hafal di kepala gitu sih. Jadi, mungkin gue nulis resepnya ini ngga sistematis kayak resep-resep di majalan-majalah gitu. Tapi tenang aja, resep ini udah diuji di dapur dan perut gue kok haha...

Oke... mari kita langsung let's get down to business ja kali ya. 

Fillet Ayam Goreng Tepung Ebi Crunch with boiled Pok Coy and Chips. (Maaf ga ada foto fillet ayamnya sendiri haha)

Bahan :
  • Dada Ayam Fillet
  • Biskuit Saltcheese, dihancurkan sampai halus
  • Ebi (kalo disini gue pake udang Bu Rudy yang oleh2 Surabaya itu loh. Yang krenyes-krenyes)
  • Tepung Terigu (yang all purpose flour. Yang biasa aja tapi ya, bukan yang tepung bumbu gitu)
  • 2 butir telur (atau secukupnya, tergantung berapa banyak ayamnya)
  • Garam
  • Merica
  • 1/2bh Jeruk nipis 

Untuk Coating :
  • Kocok 2 Butir telur lalu sisihkan
  • Campurkan tepung terigu 100gr dengan 1/2sdt garam dan 1sdt merica, sisihkan
  • Campurkan saltcheese dan ebi yang sudah halus, sisihkan 

Cara Masak :
  • Balur dada ayam yang sudah di fillet dengan garam (2 pinch) dan merica (1 pinch) dengan remasan jeruk nipis. Biarkan meresap kira-kira 30 menit.
  • Setelah itu, ambil fillet ayam satu per satu, celupkan kedalam kocokan telur kemudian baluri dengan tepung terigu (agak sedikit diremes-remes gitu ayamnya supaya tebel balutannya). Setelah dibalur dengan tepung terigu, celupkan kembali ayam tersebut kedalam kocokan telur dan kemudian balut ayam degan campuran remahan ebi dan saltcheese. 
  • Panaskan api dengan api sedang. Setelah api panas, goreng ayam tersebut sampai berwarna keemasan dalam api sedang (jangan menggunakan api yang besar, nanti hosong diluar tetapi mentah didalam). Kemudian angkat dan hidangkan.

It's super easy, right. :D Bingung nggak sama instruksi gue nih kira-kira??? 
Kalo bingung, feel free to contact me buat nanya gitu. Lewat komen aja. 

Selamat Mencoba dan kalau udah nyoba jangan lupa buat kasih Food Report ya. 